Barking for Attention? How Asher and Benson Found Their Quiet
Meet Asher and Benson, two miniature Aussies who had mastered the art of demand barking. When they wanted something, they didn’t just ask—they demanded it, loudly and persistently!
Demand barking happens when a dog barks to get what they want. This behavior can stem from a variety of reasons, but in this case, the owners would give in to the barking and give them attention—whether it was petting, going outside, treats, or playing fetch.
We’ve all been there—your dog whines, barks, or paws at you, and without thinking, you respond. Even that little interaction reinforces their behavior, encouraging them to try again in the future. Giving in isn't the end of the world, but it can get out of hand if your dog starts to abuse the power of how cute they are! Heck, I do it with my own dog, Argos. But there’s a difference between him letting me know he needs to go outside and him demanding attention for every little thing.
In Asher and Benson’s case, they learned that barking got them EVERYTHING. How do dogs learn this? It starts with the dog barking and being rewarded. Sometimes, it only takes one time! Maybe they bark out of excitement while you’re getting their food, and you put the bowl down. To them, that means: “I barked, and the food was served.” From that moment on, they’re more likely to bark next time because they were rewarded. This can go for any situation. The dog barks to go outside, they get let out, that barking is reinforced and they learn what they need to do to go outside.
Now, let’s talk about how this can spiral out of control. Let’s say it takes 10 barks for you to give in. Now, they’ve learned that 10 barks get them what they want (attention, food, outside, etc.). But next time, 10 barks won’t do it—it might take 15 or even 20 until you give in. Over time, they learn that the longer they bark, the more likely they’ll get what they want. See where this is going? This snowballs until they just don’t stop barking because eventually, it works!
For Asher and Benson, there was no off switch. They were always GO GO GO. This mentality is often created by only exercising your dog physically and not mentally. Think about running a marathon... I couldn’t run 26 miles without training. But if I train and build up my endurance, I’d eventually get there. The same thing happens with dogs. If you’re only walking or playing fetch, you’re creating an Olympian—their energy levels will increase, and so will their need for more activity! Which also means more energy to bark at you!
So how did we fix this? First, we stopped giving in to the barking. The owners began to ignore the dogs to stop reinforcing the bad behavior. Next, we gave them a job that was mentally stimulating and taught them an alternate behavior—going to a place and staying there. Essentially, it’s: go to your bed, relax, and stay put.
As we taught them the “place” command, the barking decreased because they were engaged in something else. No need to bark when the activity is already fun and rewarding! Eventually, they were able to stay on their beds with minimal effort. We rewarded them for being quiet and relaxed, building value in being calm. The dogs learned that relaxing—not barking—was what earned rewards.
We applied this in real-life scenarios. For instance, when the owners came home, the dogs would go crazy with excitement. Instead of letting them bark, the owners directed them to "place" right away. As they practiced, the dogs would go quiet, waiting patiently. They learned that being calm got them the attention they craved, not barking like banshees! The same goes for the guests coming over!
The real transformation happens when the owners commit to change. We can train dogs to settle down, but the training won’t stick unless owners adjust their habits too. That’s why we place a strong emphasis on teaching owners the tools they need to see results! Asher and Benson are in good hands with dedicated owners who love them and know what it takes to get a happy and calm dog!
Do you have a dog that's training you? Click the orange button for a free consultation, and let’s talk about how to take back your peace and quiet!